Thinking about the customer experience and understanding how they see your company is essential for any organization, whether large or small. This is because there is no possibility of moving forward without worrying about the value that is generated and the positioning in the minds of your consumers.

To study this perception, Voice of Customer (VoC) is a great strategy. It allows the collection of useful data to enable greater transparency to assess whether the company is being successful in its commercial relationship. With the insights discovered, it is possible to optimize processes to increase profitability and customer base.

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What is Voice of Customer?

We call Voice of Customer the tactics for listening to and collecting real feedback from customers about the company and products or services. This is a complete survey of reality compared to expectations, and the impact that the brand brought to that part of the public.

Listening to the voice of the customer is inviting the consumer to internal planning, something typical of modern times and digital transformation. From interviews, chat sessions, surveys, emails, social media analysis and other open data, the company is able to form an image, which will tell how well it is doing and what can be improved.

The good thing about looking at this data is that it provides patterns, trends, and a wealth of knowledge. They are like valuable mines for companies dedicated to understanding exactly what consumers are saying. Thus, companies place themselves in the midst of innovation and are able to begin adapting to the current phenomenon of transformation.

What are the main benefits of Voice of Customer?

Greater customer satisfaction

One point that is even evident is the increase in customer satisfaction. Once you pay attention to what consumers are saying and what they are feeling, you can work on targeted strategies to improve their experience.

In other words, with data on what has been detrimental to satisfaction, your company is able to eliminate the negative points and invest only in what is working.

It’s like getting organized feedback about a product, to make improvements with the customer in mind. However, VoC makes this collection and analysis easy and intuitive, with specific methods and tools.

As a direct result of this, we have an increase in the retention and loyalty of these people in the consumer base.

More interactions

On the other hand, the process involved in collecting VoC is also very interesting for organizations. It is possible to increase interactions with customers and develop a closer relationship through more frequent contact.

In other words, to obtain this data, you will need to communicate more with your clientele, which in itself is important to reinforce an existing relationship.

Personalization of approaches

Does your company want to personalize communication with certain customer subgroups? To do this, you need to have Voice of Customer.

Its properly parameterized and divided analysis allows for an in-depth understanding of different types of customers for more efficient communication, such as sending segmented offers.

This is because VoC implies greater knowledge about the public, their preferences, habits, etc. Thus, the company learns how to please its consumer, how to avoid what displeases them and how to win their purchasing decision. This way, it is possible to generate value and reach the first benefit: greater satisfaction.

On the other hand, the process involved in collecting VoC is also very interesting for organizations. It is possible to increase interactions with customers and develop a closer relationship through more frequent contact.

In other words, to obtain this data, you will need to communicate more with your clientele, which in itself is important to reinforce an existing relationship.

Innovation opportunities

Listening to what customers are saying is crucial to identifying opportunities for innovation. Management can discover what is a trend and what should become one in the future, based on the responses and patterns collected.

By better understanding your consumer base, it becomes easier to invest in a particular innovation to serve a specific purpose. It is even possible to apply predictive analysis to identify viable and profitable projects in the future.

All of this, as we have already said, with fewer errors, greater agility and greater productivity. Innovative changes become less risky and less costly, with a more interesting return. Therefore, the company adapts to digital transformations and remains competitive.

How to apply Voice of Customer?

Initially, it is mandatory to know how to collect this response and feedback data, and it is important to understand which method is best — active or passive.

In assets, you carry out direct research with the aim of identifying responses and opinions; in passives, you collect information through hidden data analysis. Then, establish the KPIs that will be analyzed — the questions that will be asked and the angles that will be used to verify the results.

Finally, we need to mention the use of a tool, such as Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. It is a platform to collect and analyze comments in real time, discover the sentiment behind comments, listen to consumers where they are, manage interaction, etc.

All of this allows for efficient tracking of customer voice and opinion in an integrated manner. This way, you can still combine different feedback capture tactics and get the best out of these strategies.

Voice of Customer is the action of collecting and analyzing customer feedback across numerous channels. By crossing this data, you get a complete view of how people see your company and what value you generate for them.

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