Power BI

Read the posts about Microsoft Power BI on the Smart Consulting Blog and enhance your knowledge about data-driven insights, big data, and much more!

Power BI Embedded
Power BI

Power BI Embedded in B2B, B2C and Organization scenarios

Power BI Embedded has become increasingly popular among companies looking to improve decision-making and information management through interactive data dashboards and visualizations.

Using this solution, it is possible to insert reports for customers and employees in a quick, secure and customizable way, allowing valuable insights for both.

In this article, we will explore the different Power BI Embedded deployment scenarios, classifying them into two groups for customers and one for the organization. Let’s go!

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Power BI Courses
Power BI

Master Power BI: Courses and Tips for Learning Power BI

With the growing interest in Power BI, we’ve put together some tips and courses to help you become a Power BI pro.

Companies increasingly want to extract value from their data and find methods for analyzing this information. Therefore, demand for Power BI – Microsoft’s Business Intelligence solution, which has several benefits and applications – has increased.

One of the advantages of the data area is that you can be a professional from any area, such as journalism, marketing, HR, IT or others, and by learning how to use Power BI, you can apply the knowledge of data analysis in your workspace. This allows you to obtain data from diverse sources, obtain high-quality visualizations and make data-driven decisions, wherever you operate.

If you are starting this process or if you are already studying and want to know more about Power BI, it is worth reading this article, with tips from the Smart Consulting team! 😊

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Power BI Consulting
Power BI

5 benefits of hiring a Power BI consultancy

Every IT project manager has probably already encountered difficulties in analyzing information from different sources and transforming it into useful data applicable to the business context, right? Well, in this sense, Power BI Consulting proves to be indispensable for organizations focused on digital transformation.

The Power BI toolset is capable of changing the company’s reality when it comes to data analysis, information sharing and business intelligence generation. Not to mention its countless useful applications for everyday corporate life.

Therefore, we prepared this content so that you understand what a Power BI consultancy service is, how it works in practice and what its benefits are. Continue reading the article to learn more about the subject!

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Power BI
Power BI

What is Power BI? What are its Applications and Benefits?

Power BI is the leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant as a Business Intelligence solution for the tenth and fifth consecutive years, and is the most beloved technology among managers in recent times! But do you know what Power BI is? Find out everything in this post, and discover why it is essential to transform your career and/or business. Good reading!

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Dashboards Power BI
Power BI

All about Power BI Dashboards

The increasingly technological business world generates large volumes and variety of data. How to consolidate and interpret all this data? How can we share the knowledge they transmit to us in a simple and accessible way? In this article we will cover Power BI Dashboards, which on a single screen, consolidate the most relevant data through visuals and numbers, for analyzing a topic in a practical and attractive way!

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